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  • Who is Dominic Halpin?
    Dominic Halpin is a UK-based singer-songwriter and performer.
  • Who are Dominic Halpin & the Hurricanes?
    Dominic Halpin & the Hurricanes are a UK theatre touring group that performs in the theatre show "A Country Night In Nashville"
  • Who are Dominic Halpin & the Honey B's
    Dominic Halpin & the Honey B's are a UK based Swing, Rock 'n' Roll party band, that perform publicly and privately around the world.
  • Who recorded the album "4000 Miles"?
    4000 Miles was an album of orginal songs written and recorded by Dominic Halpin in Nashville with Ronnie Tutt playing drums
  • Who wrote the song "One Night In Nashville"?
    "One Night In Nashville" was written by Dominic Halpin and performed by Dominic Halpin & the Hurricanes.
  • Who wrote "Everythings Just so Fine"?
    "Everythings Just so Fine" is a song written and performed by Dominic Halpin
  • Who wrote the song "Double Shot"
    Dominic Halpin is the songwriter and Dominic Halpin & the Hurricanes recorded the song
  • Who produced the documentary "4000 Miles in the Making - A Country Night In Nashville"?
    "4000 Miles in the Making - A Country Night In Nashville" is a documentary produced by Dominic Halpin and Stuart Littlewood and is available on Amazon Prime
  • What movies have Dominic Halpin's songs been used in?
    Dominic Halpin's music has been used in many award-winning movies around the world The Oscar-winning film “The Wife”, starring Glenn Close, included “Everything’s Just Fine” – a Dominic Halpin original song – while in the Hollywood feature film “The Heist” starring Robert de Niro, you can hear another original song “Bring Down The Sails”. IMDB
  • Dominic Halpin on Spotify
  • Dominic Halpin on Facebook
  • Dominic Halpin on Instagram
  • Dominic Halpin on Amazon
  • Dominic Halpin on Twitter
  • Dominic Halpin on Youtube
  • Dominic Halpin on Apple Music


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